Monday, July 11, 2011

Counter Tops and Organizing Stuff

Brian and I had a chance to pick out counter tops for the kitchen over the weekend.  Well we didn't actually pick it out, but we were able to see some of our options.

These are the ones we pulled out.  The one to the far left is a quartz that kinda looks like carrara marble.  I have always wanted marble but I don't think the up-keep price is worth it.  It sure does look good though....

The granite in the middle we like, but they are pretty much the same as what we had in our other house and I really wanted a different look. 
Below is what we THINK we are going to go with.....

It has lots gray and cream in it, and we think it will look great with the paint colors we have picked.  Willow creek is the cabinet color and eagle rock is the island color.  We aren't going to decide until we go the warehouse to pick out our slab though, because every piece is different!

Now I want to introduce you to my most favorite store ever......

I had my first experience with this lovely place the summer before my freshman year at Auburn University when my cousin and I were shopping for our dorm.  Basically I started hyperventilating when I walked in the door.  I LOVE to organize and this store was made for ME!!!!  My mom had to tell me to calm down and relax and then had to practically hold me back from throwing everything into our buggy.  The store is filled with lots of unnecessary things, but to was an OCD dream!!!!  Here are some of my favorite things i've gotten over the years...
I keep some of my makeup in this on my vanity

These are perfect for bracelets and bangles 

I have two of these for my earrings and they are perfect!
It keeps them untangled and easy to  find, and they fold up
and don't take up a lot of space.
This is perfect for delicate necklaces

I don't own one of these.....but I'm thinking I definitely need one!

I just ordered this great lunch box! I've been looking for one for a while and I hope this will be the winner.  I'm really weird about my lunch box for school.  I've been using a cloth one and when something leaks, it's a disaster.  Hopefully this will be better, and I love the aqua and red.  (you are probably asking yourself "is this person 5 years old, who cares about a lunch box???"  WELL I DO!)

Also, any moms out there looking for "earth friendly" snack or sandwich bags......I just saw these on ETSY and they are 50% off!!! such a cute idea and a great way to save money on zip lock bags!

If you aren't familiar with are about to get addicted! It is a great resource.  Have fun browsing!

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